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Sydney 2010 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras


The Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras is one of the worlds greatest GLTBQ festivals. Membership is a great way to show your support and in return you’ll be rewarded with:

But best of all you get the satisfaction of knowing that you are assisting New Mardi Gras, a volunteer organisation, to stage world class events that celebrate and enable the visibility of the GLTBQ community.

The membership year runs from 1 November to 31 October and the following categories of membership are offered:

Two easy ways to join or renew:

Your New Mardi Gras membership card will be mailed to you up to three days after your application has been lodged (though often sooner). Once received, you will be able to use your card to access a wide range of benefits throughout the year. 

So what are you waiting for?